
Readers can sign up for occasional newsletters from Hodder & Stoughton by sending email details to: Lindsey Davis | Hachette UK ( NB for this to work, they make you accept cookies on their website.

Note for events organisers: I am still available for suitable events online, or in person: contact me or my publishers’ publicity departments.

Events Programme 2025

Listen with Lindsey 2025: Our reading sessions will continue, normally on the second Tuesday of the month, lasting about an hour, sometimes with a short chat session afterwards. These are on Zoom; you don’t need it installed but for security reasons you must register. Do that here for 2025:–gpzIvEtV5be5eylxhVDSjuaB7swov then you will receive a link, which allows you to attend any you want.

For copyright reasons these sessions will not be recorded so I’m afraid they won’t be available afterwards.

This year’s readings will be on Tuesdays at 7.00pm UK time: March 11*, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11*, December 9.

*March and November, if outside the UK time zone, please check whether your summer time/daylight saving matches the UK change.

Sunday 30 March – 7.45pm Lichfield Festival, talk and signing, The Hub at St Mary’s, Market Square, Lichfield. Tickets at Lindsey Davis – There Will Be Bodies: A Flavia Albia Novel | Lichfield Festival.

Thursday 3 April – UK Hardback Publication of There Will be Bodies

Thursday 3 April – book launch: talk and signing at the Heath Bookshop, King’s Heath, Birmingham. Tickets and preordering of books available from this link.

Thursday 8 May – 6.00pm, Cardiff: unfortunately the talk for the Cardiff Classical Association has had to be cancelled.

Thursday-Sunday May 15-18 Crimefest mystery convention, Bristol. On the Friday and Saturday I shall be doing 3 panels on author/editor/agent, history, Diamond Dagger winners, and also a signing.

Tuesday 22 July – USA Hardback Publication of There Will be Bodies

Monday August 18 – five nights. Tour with Andante Travel (Specialist Journeys). Five nights (London, Portsmouth x2, Bath x2) This is “a newly revised version of a tour which takes a unique look at aspects of Roman Britain. Viewed by the Romans themselves as ‘the end of the road’ with horrible weather, we’ll consider how the Roman occupation of Britain worked – and how it famously failed to work in the traumatic Boudican Revolt. Starting in London at the British Museum, key sites we visit will include Butser Ancient Farm, Fishbourne Roman Palace, Dorchester and Bath, with a trip to the silver mines at Charterhouse: See also a vlog with Oliver Gilkes: Facebook

Autumn: date and details to be confirmed: an Andante Travels Study Day at Fishbourne Roman Palace

As President of the local branch of the Classical Association I’ll be attending events they organise, some of which are open to the public.